




  1. simple past and past participle of snivel



snivelled (not comparable)

  1. Covered or dripping with nasal mucus; snotty.
    • 1576, Robert Peterson, transl., Galateo of Maister Iohn Della Casa[1], London: Raufe Newbery, page 13:
      And to mend these slouenly maners, [they] be not ashamed, many tymes with these filthy napkyns, to wype awaye the sweat that trickleth and falleth downe their browes, their face and their necke (they be such greedy guts in their feeding) and otherwhile to, (when it comes vppon them) spare not to snot their sniueld nose vppon them.
    • 1619, Richard Weste, The Booke of Demeanor[2], London: Nathaniel Butter, page 8:
      Nor imitate with Socrates
      to wipe thy snivelled nose
      Upon thy cap, as he would doe,
      nor yet upon thy clothes.
    • 1915, D. H. Lawrence, chapter 13, in The Rainbow[3], London: Martin Secker, published 1926, page 367:
      [] she felt she could not forgive the boy for being the huddled, blubbering object, all wet and snivelled, which he was.