




  1. (rare) comparative form of steadfast: more steadfast
    • 1878, Alfred Webb, A Compendium of Irish Biography: Comprising Sketches of Distinguished Irishmen, and of Eminent, M.H. Gill & son, page 179:
      He was a man witty and manful ; a truer man, nor steadfaster, for constancy, fidelity, and love, left he none in Ireland.
    • 1889, W. Clark Russel, chapter XXX, in MacMillan's Magazine: Marooned, page 254:
      God knows that never a shipwrecked eye kept a steadfaster look-out for vessels than I did
    • 1907, Eden Phillpotts, The Whirlwind, McClure, Phillips, page 276:
      The more he tries, the steadfaster shall I stand.