See also: sub-reddit and subreddit





sub-Reddit (plural sub-Reddits)

  1. Alternative form of subreddit
    • 2018, Chris Thomas, The Edge of Sanity: A Dark Psychological Thriller, Bloodhound Books, →ISBN:
      Somewhere deep within the sub-Reddits, the surface web blended with his more familiar surroundings of the Enter The Dark message board that he made such great use of down on the dark web.
    • 2019, Nicolas P. Suzor, Lawless: The Secret Rules That Govern Our Digital Lives, Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, page 142:
      Reddit is generally reluctant to step into debates about content, preferring to play the role of an impartial or neutral platform and to leave the task of moderating the site to the moderators of individual sub-Reddits.
    • 2022, Jason Steinhauer, History, Disrupted: How Social Media and the World Wide Web Have Changed the Past, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, →ISBN, page 68:
      A malicious actor had intentionally posted the video into various sub-Reddits with different headlines, trying to determine which would spark the fiercest emotional response.