



From super- +‎ monster.



supermonster (plural supermonsters)

  1. (rare) An especially powerful or fearsome monster.
    • 1992, New Times International[1], New Times Publishing House, page 9:
      However, Rutskoi's opponents maintain that this new creation will only be a supermonster compared to which the sadly notorious Gosagroprom (the state agrarian and industrial department ) is peanuts.
    • 2005, Rick Tobin, Feeding the Monster: The True Threat to American Education:
      That's because they've already fallen under the supermonster's spell. They don't know how to fight back. They don't even remember that they can fight back.
    • 2007 January 11, Charles Herold, “Large Beasts, Mean Weapons and a Terrifying Judge”, in New York Times[2]:
      Running won’t help when you encounter each mission’s final supermonster or enemy V.S. These battles are brutal; I would die several times just figuring out a basic strategy and then die a few more times while I perfected my technique.