



thoughtcriminal (plural thoughtcriminals)

  1. alternative form of thought criminal
    • 1993 March 31, Simon E. Booth, “Dr. Gunn's Execution”, in alt.fan.rush-limbaugh (Usenet):
      NOP definition of 'Communist'- one who believes in communism, an enemy of the People and of the State, a thoughtcriminal.
    • 1994 May 22, er...@u.washington.edudissenter., “Xtopia?”, in alt.society.generation-x (Usenet):
      Erich, Erich, don't you know that it's the Objectivist who is truly the un-Pagan Thoughtcriminal? Mere disagreement is not =nearly= enough to push you ...
    • 2003, Paul Lucian, NineteenEightyFive: An Unnovel, →ISBN, page 193:
      All that Thought Games nonsense and mindscan mumbo-jumbo turns you into a bloody retard! Oh sure, he knows his thoughtcriminals and sexcrims, but is that all there is in life?
    • 2004, Anthony Stewart, George Orwell, Doubleness, and the Value of Decency, →ISBN:
      The magnitude of the Party's power and the certainty of its eventual punishment of the thoughtcriminal enables it to permit an extensive variety of crimes, because the thoughtcriminal is always safely under the control of the ultimate privileged class.
    • 2009 May 12, James Arthur, “Climatology: a wonderful science”, in sci.electronics.design (Usenet):
      I'm glad to hear you acknowledge that possibility--I was beginning to think you might be a thoughtcriminal.
    • 2017, T McGettigan, Donald Trump and the Politics of Racism:
      The US may be somewhat more tolerant of dissent than other empires, but the US also has a penchant for prosecuting thoughtcriminals (Loadenthal, 2015).



See also
