




  1. Obsolete spelling of through.
    • c. 1500, anonymous author, A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483[1]:
      Thus as the people of prudent pollycye, Prynces of the right shal governe; The chirche preye; the juges justefye; And knighthode, manly, and prudently discerne, Til light of trouthe so clerely the lanterne, That rightewysnesse throughe this regyoune, Represse the darknesse of al extorcyoune.
    • 1545, Desiderius Erasmus, A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure[2]:
      Wheras young men also with hauntynge of whores (as it is dayly seene) catche the newe leprosie, nowe otherwyse named Jobs agew, and some cal it the scabbes of Naples, throughe
    • 1570, Roger Ascham, The Schoolmaster[3]:
      It was som shame to a yong "man, to be seene in the open market: and if for businesse, he "passed throughe it, he did it, with a meruelous modestie, and "bashefull facion.