



From Spanish toril.



torril (plural torrils)

  1. Alternative form of toril
    • 1836, Thomas Roscoe, The Tourist in Spain Andalusia, page 186:
      At the waving of the president's handkerchief, the bugles strike up amidst thunders of applause; the torril-gate is open, and the first king of the herd rushes wildly into the midst of the arena.
    • 1892, Young Folks Pictorial Tour of the World:
      A trumpet sounds; the president tosses the key of the torril to the alguazil, who unlocks and opens the door, leaping aside the instant he has done so, to escape being knocked down and gored by the bull.
    • 1999, National Centennial Commission, Philippine revolution: the making of a nation, page 233:
      Gavino Gasataya had to build a torril in the plaza to accommodate all the cattle given him as reward for the information).
    • 2019, Gustave Aimard, The Red Track, page 170:
      Suddenly, at a given signal, the gate of the torril was opened, and a bull, embolado, rushed into the arena.