



trillennial (not comparable)

  1. Pertaining to an age or duration of 3,000 years.
    • 1934, Edith Abbott, Sophonisba Preston Breckinridge, The Social Service Review, page 383:
      But Dr. Niebuhr has gone beyond all that, and the "soaring of his soul" into millennial, billennial, and even trillennial prophecy seems to have boundless possibilities.
    • 1963, Ernest LeRoy Sloan, Seymour Martin Lipset, Political Sociologist, page 11:
      ...but they can be activated by a crisis, especially if it is accompanied by strong trillennial appeals.
    • 1999, Josh Freed, Terry Mosher, Aislin, 2000 Reasons to Hate the Millennium: A 21st-Century Survival Guide, →ISBN:
      With new advances in medicine, you can't be sure you won't be around for trillennial Millennium hype.

See also
