



ultra-rich (not comparable)

  1. Alternative spelling of ultrarich
    • 1912, The Theatre - Volume 16, page xxvi:
      “Embossed Ratine"—another of this season's materials—is of such ultra-rich quality that its prohibitive price assures it of a permanently exclusive position in the realm of woolen fabrics.
    • 2003, Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Nick Montfort, The NewMediaReader - Volume 1, →ISBN:
      Such ultra-rich environments allow the student to choose what he will study, when he will study it and how he will study it, and to what criteria of accomplishment he will aim.
    • 2012, Dan Mayur, Mumbai to Stockholm Via New York, →ISBN:
      There are ultra-rich people all over the world, and if individuals like Mallya have earned what they have, they can do what they want with their wealth.
    • 2013, Ivan Orkin, Chris Ying, Ivan Ramen, →ISBN:
      There are dozens of ramen variations—from shoyu (soy sauce) ramen, to miso ramen, to tonkotsu (ultra-rich pork broth), to mazemen (just a little soup), to tsukemen (noodles and separate dipping sauce).
    • 2014, Don Brown, Destiny, →ISBN, page 255:
      He savored a bite of the ultra-rich dessert for a few seconds.
    • 2015, Matthias Ruth, Handbook of Research methods and Applications in Environmental Studies, →ISBN, page 29:
      The environment is, as Myers (2004, p. 100) puts it, an 'ultra-rich' topic that can enable all kinds of issues to be discussed, so 'local' may then be used as a device to contain the discussion.



ultra-rich (uncountable)

  1. Alternative spelling of ultrarich
    • 2008, Charles B. Rangel, And I Haven't Had a Bad Day Since, →ISBN:
      But as for the Congress, I think the main reason a representative of working- or lower-middle-class Americans supports this kind of tax cut is that they hope to get campaign contributions from the ultra-rich.
    • 2012, Martin O'Neill, Thad Williamson, Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond, →ISBN, page 218:
      As Brian Barry has pointed out, to reduce the wealth of the ultra-rich, the tax rate would have to be substantially higher than the income that wealth generates (Barry, 2005, p. 191).
    • 2019, Dan S. Kennedy, No B.S. Marketing to the Affluent, →ISBN:
      We are endlessly fascinated with the strange ultra-rich.
    • 2023 July 15, George Monbiot, “With our food systems on the verge of collapse, it’s the plutocrats v life on Earth”, in The Guardian[1], →ISSN:
      What the ultra-rich want is to sustain and extend the economic system that put them where they are. The more they have to lose, the more creative their strategies become.