See also: -wch and WCH






  1. (obsolete) Abbreviation of which.
    • 1653, “Will of Robert Keayne, 1653”, in A Report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston, Containing Miscellaneous Paperrs, Boston, Mass.: Rockwell and Churchill, published 1886, page 41:
      There is also at my ffarme a long paper booke bound in parchment , such a one as my Inventory booke in my closet at Boston wch I mentioned before, wch booke I comonly keepe in that roome at my ffarme wch I keepe locked up for my owne use, in wch is the pticulrs of the charges & profitts that I make of my ffarme ev’y yeare with an accott of the Corne & Apples & Butter & Cheese that is made & where they are with some debts therein due to me & some other accotts to be Kept & pused
    • c. 1680, [Gilbert Clerke], To Baxter, on the Right of Antitrinitarians to be esteemed Christians; republished as “Original Letters from the Baxter Manuscripts in Dr. Williams’s Library”, in The Monthly Repository of Theology and General Literature, volume XIX, number CCXXIV, Hackney: [] George Smallfield; [] Sherwood, Jones, and Co., [], 1824 August, page 452:
      As to your letter, for wch I thanke you, I willingly acknowledge ye Trinity in Unity, and Xt to be not meer man but true God, in ye Scripture sense, therefore I am a Christian. [] For ye present I must denie yt major, viz. He that denieth yt in Xt wch is most essential in him, denieth Xt, for admit your minor was true, yet Jesus was called Xt, in respect of his unction [] Maldonati in Evang. thinkes yt ye disciples did not know ye eternal generation, till after ye resurrection, and yet they knew yt Jesus was ye Xt, ye Sonne of ye living God, wch seem to be used as words of the same importance, Matth. xvi. 16, John vi. 69, and Mark and Luke say only—Thou art ye Xt, and for this confession were declared blessed.
    • 1692 November 29, W[illia]m Penn, [To Robert Turner], page 356; republished as “Fruits of Solitude, 1692–1694”, in Marianne S. Wokeck, Joy Wiltenburg, Alison Duncan Hirsch, Craig W. Horle, Richard S[lator] Dunn, and Mary Maples Dunn, editors, The Papers of William Penn, volume three, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1986, →ISBN:
      [] & Xt taught himself that it was expedient he went, as outwardly, that he might send them that wch would be better for them & wt was that, but his own appearance in Spirit.