



wetdream (plural wetdreams)

  1. (nonstandard, rare) Alternative form of wet dream
    • 1998, Stephen Watt, “Misogyny, postmodern ‘impurity,’ and Pinter’s political turn”, in Staging the Rage: The Web of Misogyny in Modern Drama, page 76:
      My designation of Pinter’s simultaneous attraction to and rage at women [] will not be taken, I hope, as auguring a foray into what Spooner in No Man’s Land drolly labels the “wetdream world” of “psychological interpreters.”
    • 2005, Michael Huxley, Wet Nightmares, Wet Dreams, page 230:
      Not a single boy’s wetdream vision should go to waste. As a woman in labor is watched over, a boy in wetdream should be watched over.
    • 2005, Vietnam Ministry of Health, UNICEF, World Health Organization, Survey Assessment of Vietnamese Youth, Hanoi: Bộ Y Tế, Tỏ̂ng cục thó̂ng kê, page 103:
      C1. If you are a male: how old were you when you had your first wetdream? If you are a female: how old were you when you had your first period? (If you don’t remember, write 99. If never had wetdream/period write 97, then move to C4)