

Alternative forms




Compound of ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government) +‎ slop.



zogslop (uncountable)

  1. (Internet slang, 4chan, offensive) Synonym of goyslop (low-quality food, seen in antisemitic circles as being promoted by Jews)
    • 2022 May 9, “Juice diet”, in Reddit[1], r/4chan, archived from the original on 22 September 2023:
      Food is literally becoming less nutritious. Actual food, not just processed zogslop. Staple crops have fewer vitamins, protein, calcium, phosphorus, and iron than they did 50 years ago due to climate, overfarming, and crappy soil quality. You're exchanged quality for volume.
    • 2023 August 20, @jetneptune_, Twitter[2], archived from the original on 22 September 2023:
      Homeboy explaining how to peel back the membrane of a goat testicle & calling my Fajitas zogslop in the same breath
    • 2023 September 17, @mypillowgorl, Twitter[3], archived from the original on 22 September 2023:
      I don't want China's nasty ass industrialized pork chop zogslop destroying my country's environment, is that okay???
    • 2023 September 19, @lowiqmoron, Twitter[4], archived from the original on 22 September 2023:
      michael tracey is sub-mid but i'd take his unwashed zogslop physique over whatever tf is going on with kyle kulinsky
  2. (Internet slang, 4chan, offensive) Synonym of goyslop (low-quality entertainment)
    • 2023 July 24, @REMILIONAIRE, Twitter[5], archived from the original on 22 September 2023:
      Maybe chase a bag and stack some paper instead of watching zogslop movies all day.
    • 2023 August 24, u/iwasntawindow, “My friend is going to die single and I can't help her”, in Reddit[6], r/redscarepod, archived from the original on 22 September 2023:
      I feel like getting into niche media instead of cultural zogslop is more of a hobby though. Like if you're really into movies/film you're watching thought provoking stuff instead of easily palatable marvel movies. I think anyone can see the difference
    • 2023 September 19, @SisconOpium, Twitter[7], archived from the original on 22 September 2023:
      This is kino. The real world is not like your gay ZOGslop funny bald guy show.