
Old Church Slavonic edit

Etymology edit

From тврьдити (tvrĭditi).

Verb edit

оутврьдити (utvrĭditipf

  1. establish, build, create
  2. stabilize, fortify
    • from the Life of Good King Wencelaus:
      Нъ мати ѥю Драгомира оутврьди земл҄ѭ, и люди строи, дон҄ьдеже въздрасте Вѧщеславъ, и въздрастъ, начѧ самъ строити люди своѩ.
      Nŭ mati jeju Dragomira utvrĭdi zemlʹjǫ, i ljudi stroi, donʹĭdeže vŭzdraste Vęšteslavŭ, i vŭzdrastŭ, načę samŭ stroiti ljudi svoję.
      But their mother Dragomira ruled the land, and adminstered to the people, while Venceslav was growing up; and when he was grown, he began himself to administer to his people.
  3. affirm, strengthen someone's beliefs
  4. restore, heal
  5. (reflexive) strengthened, became strong, established

Conjugation edit

Descendants edit

References edit

  • Бояджиев, Андрей (2016) Старобългарска читанка[1], София