Russian edit

Alternative forms edit

  • схо́ду (sxódu)similarly common in this sense but erroneous; actually the dative singular of сход (sxod)

Etymology edit

Univerbation of с (s, off (of)) +‎ хо́ду (xódu, course, motion, in the partitive case).

Pronunciation edit

Adverb edit

с хо́ду (s xódu)

  1. (about something being successfully done) immediately, instantly, right away, on the spot, off the bat, off the top, off the cuff, on the first attempt
    Synonym: сра́зу (srázu)
    Я с хо́ду могу́ во́семь вспо́мнить.Ja s xódu mogú vósemʹ vspómnitʹ.I can think of eight off the bat.
  2. on the way, along the way, in stride, on the move, on the go (in the course of moving somewhere)
    Synonyms: на ходу́ (na xodú), в движе́нии (v dvižénii)
    Проти́вник пыта́лся захвати́ть го́род с хо́ду.Protívnik pytálsja zaxvatítʹ górod s xódu.The enemy attempted to seize the city on the move.