See also: أد, آد, and اد





Clipping of إِذَا (ʔiḏā) used to underscore a particular point in time, perhaps analogical to the relations of other conjunctions like إِمَّا (ʔimmā) and إِن (ʔin).





إِذْ (ʔiḏ)

  1. and then
  2. as, when
  3. since, because
    • 13th century, Ibn Malik, Alfiyyah[1]:
      وَعَوْدُ خَافِضٍ لَدَى عَطْفٍ عَلَى / ضَمِيرِ خَفْضٍ لَازِمًا قَدْ جُعِلَا / وَلَيْسَ عِنْدِي لَازِمًا إِذْ قَدْ أَتَى / فِي ٱلنَّظْمِ وَٱلنَّثْرِ الصَّحِيحِ مُثْبَتَا
      waʕawdu ḵāfiḍin ladā ʕaṭfin ʕalā / ḍamīri ḵafḍin lāziman qad juʕilā / walaysa ʕindī lāziman ʔiḏ qad ʔatā / fī n-naẓmi wan-naṯri ṣ-ṣaḥīḥi muṯbatā
      And the return of a preposition when conjoined to a genitive pronoun, / It is made necessary with a genitive pronoun, / But it is not necessary in my opinion, because it has come, / In both authentic, sound poetry and prose, it is established.
    • a. 2001, al-Uthaymin, “Part 52 - The conjunction with a genitive pronoun”, in Sharh (Explanation of) Alfiyyah Ibn Malik[2], page 573 (page 14 in-book online):
      [العطف على الضمير المخفوض] - قال المؤلف رحمه الله: «وعود خافض لدى عطف على ضمير خفض لازماً قد جعلا وليس عندي لازماً إذ قد أتى في النظم والنثر الصحيح مثبتا» - (عودُ): مبتدأ خبره جملة: (قد جُعل). - (ولازماً) المفعول الثاني لجُعل مقدم، ونائب الفاعل في جُعل مستتر هو المفعول الأول.
      [Section: The conjunction with a genitive pronoun] - The author [Ibn Malik], may Allah have mercy on him, said: "Returning the preposition when conjoining to a genitive pronoun is obligatory. However, in my opinion, it is not obligatory because it has been confirmed in both poetry and prose." - ‘(عودُ):’ A subject, with its predicate being the clause: ‘(قد جُعل)’. - The term '(ولازماً)' is the second object of 'جُعل' and is advanced, while the hidden subject of 'جُعل' is the first object.


  • Wehr, Hans (1979) “إذ”, in J. Milton Cowan, editor, A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, 4th edition, Ithaca, NY: Spoken Language Services, →ISBN

Further reading
