
Tamil edit

Etymology edit

Borrowed from Prakrit 𑀘𑀼𑀡𑁆𑀡 (cuṇṇa), from Sanskrit चूर्ण (cūrṇa, powder; lime). Cognate with Telugu సున్నము (sunnamu).

Pronunciation edit

  • IPA(key): /t͡ɕʊɳːɐm/, [sʊɳːɐm]
  • (file)

Noun edit

சுண்ணம் (cuṇṇam)

  1. powder, dust
  2. sweet-scented powders, fumes, powdered sandal
  3. lime, oxide of calcium
  4. chunam
  5. the 24th lunar asterism
  6. pollen dust
  7. a stanza of 4 lines set to music

Derived terms edit

References edit