See also: 水深火热

Chinese edit

water; river deep; profound
fire; angry; fierce
fire; angry; fierce; fiery; thriving
heat; to heat up; fervent
heat; to heat up; fervent; hot (of weather); warm up
trad. (水深火熱)
simp. (水深火热)
Literally: “the water is deep and the fire is hot”.

Etymology edit

From Mencius:

而已 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
而已 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: Mencius, c. 4th century BCE
shuǐshēn, rú huǒ, yì yùn éryǐ yǐ. [Pinyin]
If you make the water more deep and the fire more fierce, they will in like manner make another revolution.

Pronunciation edit

Idiom edit


  1. to be in deep distress; to live with great misery and hardship