See also: 亲朋好友

Chinese edit

good friend; friend; contact
trad. (親朋好友) 親朋 好友
simp. (亲朋好友) 亲朋 好友

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit


  1. friends and relatives; kith and kin
    店鋪星期開張歡迎各位親朋好友前來 [MSC, trad.]
    店铺星期开张欢迎各位亲朋好友前来 [MSC, simp.]
    Wǒ de diànpù xià ge xīngqī kāizhāng, huānyíng gèwèi qīnpénghǎoyǒu qiánlái. [Pinyin]
    My shop will open for business next week, and all my friends and relatives are welcome to come.

Synonyms edit