Navajo edit

Etymology edit

Probably from Proto-Athabaskan *džəɣ̇ʷətɬ’ (ball).

Root edit


  1. NCM moves
    Classificatory root for non-compact matter as hair, a wig, or hay, and by extension, smoke, steam, dust, or a stench. The base ∅-classifier theme is intransitive and applies to NCM's independent motion or state, while the ł-classifier theme is transitive-causative and applies to the handling (carry, bring, give...) and propelling (throw, toss, drop,...) of NCM.
    1. (∅) NCM moves freely, NCM is at rest.
    2. (ł) to handle or propel NCM, to keep NCM at rest.
  2. spherical
    1. to be ball-shaped, globular, round, plump.
    2. to huddle, to draw oneself together, to bend, to sneak.

Stem set edit

MOM -jooł -jool -joł -joł -jooł
NEUTER -jool -jool - - -

See also Appendix: Roots and stems derivation.

Derived terms edit

Navajo terms belonging to the root -JOOL (NCM moves)

Navajo terms belonging to the root -JOOL (spherical)