Hi Codecat, I already had found the WNT-source you have added to the entry, but it conflicts with the current order of descendants. The source says: "(vlieke) uit fra. flèche (dat zelf waarschijnlijk aan mnl. vleke is ontleend)." If the source is reliable, it would change the structure of descendants to this:

  • Old Dutch: *flieka
    • Middle Dutch: vleke
      • Middle French: flèche
        • Middle Dutch: vlieke
          • Dutch: vliek
        • French: flèche

Can you confirm this? Morgengave (talk) 15:14, 28 November 2012 (UTC)

Morgengave (talk)15:14, 28 November 2012

vleke doesn't seem to match up with the sound changes known for Dutch, because iu > u, not e. However, it does match up for Low German...

CodeCat16:22, 28 November 2012

Perhaps it's better then to use a different source for the current structure. It's a bit strange to use a source which partially contradicts what the word article presents.

Morgengave (talk)20:32, 29 November 2012