Word of the day
for April 26
brainchild n
  1. (informal) A creation of one's brain; an original idea or innovation of a person or group of people, an organization, etc.

Today is World Intellectual Property Day, which is commemorated by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to raise awareness about the impact of intellectual property in everyday life, and to celebrate creativity and the contributions of creators and innovators towards the development of societies. The WIPO Convention entered into force on this day in 1970.

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Γνωθι σεαυτον (Know yourself)

In an Infinite Universe, clustered in an infinite number of Universes, Why someboy like you, a conscious traveler in eternity, don`t you fully enjoy the wonder of each moment? A.M.C.R.

The larger the continent of knowledge, the longer the coastline of mystery.

I invite you to my blog | Mi blog: edit

This Wikipedist feels citycen of the world.  

This wikipedist talks of Wikipedia to his friends. 

My contributions to Wikipedia edit

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Dado que el propósito de Wikipedia es : "Recopilar todo el conocimiento de la humanidad poniéndolo al mismo tiempo al alcance de todos como un derecho inalienable, tanto para su consulta como para su creación y mejora continua".

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