English edit

Etymology edit

beef +‎ -y

Pronunciation edit

  • IPA(key): /ˈbiːfi/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -iːfi

Adjective edit

beefy (comparative beefier, superlative beefiest)

  1. Similar to, or tasting like beef.
  2. Containing beef.
  3. (informal) Strong or muscular.
    The barman was a big, beefy guy with his sleeves rolled up and tattoos on his arms.
  4. Large; overweight; fat.
    • 1938, Norman Lindsay, Age of Consent, 1st Australian edition, Sydney, N.S.W.: Ure Smith, published 1962, →OCLC, page 82:
      Grumping indignantly, he said, "By ginger, a nice blanky thing to lose a good job and risk being dam' near killed by Peabody for a beefy married woman. I tell you she weighs over fifteen stone, absolutely."
  5. (informal) Sturdy; robust.
    The software slows down even a beefy computer.

Derived terms edit

Translations edit

Anagrams edit