English edit

Etymology edit

retrace +‎ -er

Noun edit

retracer (plural retracers)

  1. One who retraces.

French edit

Etymology edit

re- +‎ tracer.

Pronunciation edit

  • (file)

Verb edit


  1. (transitive) to recount, to tell
    Synonym: raconter
    retracer les glorieux exploits d’un héros
    to recount a hero's glorious exploits
  2. (transitive) to redraw, to draw again
    Ce dessin n’est pas bien tracé, il faut le retracer.
    This picture is not drawn well, it needs to be redrawn.
    Tout le retrace à mes yeux.
    Everything reminds me of it.
    (literally, “Everything redraws it to my eyes.”)
  3. (reflexive) to remember
    Synonym: se rappeler
    Je m’en retrace parfaitement bien l’image.
    I remember its image perfectly well.

Conjugation edit

This verb is part of a group of -er verbs for which 'c' is softened to a 'ç' before the vowels 'a' and 'o'.

Further reading edit