



śviatło n inan (genitive śviatła, uncountable)

  1. Łacinka spelling of святло́ (svjatló): light
    • 1961 [1905], “Katechezy katalickija dla pačatkavych škołaŭ”, in Francis Czerniawski, transl., Siaŭbit, number 1 (18), New York, translation of original by Johann Pichler, →ISSN, page 15:
      Ludzi mohuć zdabyvać krychu śviatła, kali zapalać ahoń, elektryčnaść. Ale, u pryraŭniańniu da soniejka, jakoje jano małoje.
      People are capable of obtaining a bit of light if they ignite fire or electricity. But it's so small in comparison to the sun.
    • 1993 [1914], “Arabija”, in Siarhiej Šupa, transl., Naša Niva, number 18, Vilnia, translation of Araby by James Jayce, →LCCN, →OCLC, page 13:
      Jana čakała nas, jaje postać vymaloŭvałasia śviatłom pračynienych dźviarej.
      [original: She was waiting for us, her figure defined by the light from the half-opened door.]
    • 2007, Lavon Volski (lyrics and music), “Bieź ciabie [Without you]”‎[1]performed by Rusya and Lavon Volski, published 2015:
      Dapamoža nam
      Čaroŭnaje śviatło.
      Lutaŭski manach
      Šapnie nam paru słoŭ.
      We'll be assisted by
      The magic light.
      The monk of February will
      Whisper a couple of words to us.



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