˭ U+02ED, ˭
Spacing Modifier Letters ˮ

Translingual edit

Symbol edit


  1. (extIPA) Tenuis; a symbol for overtly indicating lack of aspiration.

Usage notes edit

In speech pathology, this diacritic is used to indicate that a consonant is not aspirated when the target pronunciation is, for example in [k˭ɪt] for the English word "kit," which is normally aspirated [kʰɪt]. (The aspiration of English words is not usually transcribed.)

It has also been used in linguistic field notes and dictionaries to show that a consonant has been confirmed to be unaspirated. In such cases, words transcribed as ⟨ak˭a⟩ and ⟨akʰa⟩ are known to differ, but in one transcribed ⟨aka⟩ the aspiration is unknown.