Bashkir edit

Салауат ҡалаһы.
The city of Salavat (sense 3).

Etymology edit

From Bashkir салауат (salawat).

Pronunciation edit

  • IPA(key): [sɑ.ɫɑ.ˈwɑt]
  • (file)
  • Hyphenation: Са‧ла‧уат

Proper noun edit

Салауат (Salawat)

  1. a male given name from Arabic
  2. (proper) Salawat Yulayev, the Bashkir folk hero
    Салауат — башҡорт үҙаңының нормаһы.
    Salawat — başqort üźañınıñ normahı.
    Salawat (Yulayev) is the standard of a Bashkir identity.
  3. Salavat, a city in Bashkortostan, Russia, named after Salawat Yulayev

Declension edit