Old Church Slavonic edit

Etymology edit

боль (bolĭ) +‎ -ьнъ (-ĭnŭ)

Adjective edit

больнъ (bolĭnŭ)

  1. sick
    • from the Life of Constantine:
      Ѡтвѣща филосѡѳъ, и троуденъ сꙑ тѣлѡмъ и боленъ, радъ идоу тамо, аще имоуть боукви въ ꙗзꙑкъ свои.
      Otvěšta filosoθŭ, i trudenŭ sy tělomŭ i bolenŭ, radŭ idu tamo, ašte imutĭ bukvi vŭ jazykŭ svoi.
      The Philosopher answered: Though tired and feeble in body, I will gladly go there if they have letters for their tongue.