



From Proto-Permic *bɔśtni.


  • IPA(key): /ˈboɕtnɯ/, [ˈbo̞ɕtnɯ̈]
  • Hyphenation: босьт‧ны



босьтны (bośtny)

  1. (transitive) to take
  2. (transitive) to receive
  3. (transitive) to accept
  4. (transitive) to capture
  5. (transitive) to take off
  6. (transitive) to overflow
  7. (intransitive) to start singing


Conjugation of босьтны
Present tense Future tense
positive negative positive negative
1st singular босьта (bośta) ог босьт (og bośt) босьта (bośta) ог босьт (og bośt)
2nd singular босьтан (bośtan) он босьт (on bośt) босьтан (bośtan) он босьт (on bośt)
3rd singular босьтӧ (bośtö) оз босьт (oz bośt) босьтас (bośtas) оз босьт (oz bośt)
1st plural босьтам (bośtam) ог босьтӧй (og bośtöj) босьтам (bośtam) ог босьтӧй (og bośtöj)
2nd plural босьтанныд (bośtannyd)
босьтад (bośtad)
он босьтӧй (on bośtöj) босьтанныд (bośtannyd)
босьтад (bośtad)
он босьтӧй (on bośtöj)
3rd plural босьтӧны (bośtöny) оз босьтӧй (oz bośtöj) босьтасны (bośtasny) оз босьтӧй (oz bośtöj)
Direct past tense Reported past tense
positive negative positive negative
1st singular босьті (bośti) эг босьт (eg bośt)
2nd singular босьтін (bośtin) эн босьт (en bośt) босьтӧмыд (bośtömyd) абу босьтӧмыд (abu bośtömyd)
3rd singular босьтіс (bośtis) эз босьт (ez bośt) босьтӧма (bośtöma) абу босьтӧма (abu bośtöma)
1st plural босьтім (bośtim) эг босьтӧй (eg bośtöj)
2nd plural босьтінныд (bośtinnyd)
босьтід (bośtid)
эн босьтӧй (en bośtöj) босьтӧмныд (bośtömnyd) абу босьтӧмныд (abu bośtömnyd)
3rd plural босьтісны (bośtisny) эз босьтӧй (ez bośtöj) босьтӧмаӧсь (bośtömaöś) абу босьтӧмаӧсь (abu bośtömaöś)
positive negative
2nd singular босьт (bośt) эн босьт (en bośt) Infinitive босьтны (bośtny)
2nd plural босьтӧй (bośtöj) эн босьтӧй (en bośtöj) Present participle босьтысь (bośtyś)
*) The impersonal reported past is expressed using the third singular form.
**) The first person imperative is expressed using the first person future form.
***) Any form ending in -ӧй has an alternative form ending in .
****) The imperfect and perfect participles have alternative forms with a paragogic .
Imperfect participle босьтан (bośtan)
Perfect participle босьтӧм (bośtöm)
Caritive participle босьттӧм (bośttöm)
Nominal inflection of босьтны
Impersonal First person Second person Third person
Nominative босьтны (bośtny) босьтным (bośtnym) босьтныд (bośtnyd) босьтныс (bośtnys)
Accusative босьтнытӧ (bośtnytö) босьтнысӧ (bośtnysö)


  • L. M. Beznosikova, E. A. Ajbabina, R. I. Kosnyreva (2000) Коми-русский словарь [Komi-Russian dictionary], →ISBN, page 49