
Russian edit

Russian Wikipedia has an article on:
Wikipedia ru

Etymology edit

First appeared in the Russian magazine Ogoniok in 1928. Mikhail Koltsov, the magazine's founder, applied the term to a selection of puzzles in the magazine. He had named the feature after a fellow employee who prepared the feature, Виктор Микулин (Viktor Mikulin). Later, people began to associate his puzzle with the Latin term victor (winner).

Pronunciation edit

  • IPA(key): [vʲɪktɐˈrʲinə]
  • (file)

Noun edit

виктори́на (viktorínaf inan (genitive виктори́ны, nominative plural виктори́ны, genitive plural виктори́н)

  1. quiz (a test of knowledge)

Declension edit