
Russian edit

 зюйдвестка on Russian Wikipedia
Человек в зюйдвестке

Etymology edit

зюйд-ве́ст (zjujd-vést) +‎ -ка (-ka), a calque of Dutch zuidwester or English sou'wester. The term derives from the observation that in the North Sea region, southwesterly wind often brings heavy rain.

Pronunciation edit

  • IPA(key): [zʲʉjdˈvʲestkə]

Noun edit

зюйдве́стка (zjujdvéstkaf inan (genitive зюйдве́стки, nominative plural зюйдве́стки, genitive plural зюйдве́сток)

  1. sou'wester, southwester, cape ann (waterproof hat worn by sailors)
  2. sou'wester, southwester (rainjacket worn by sailors)

Declension edit