





икъун (jiqʷun) (intransitive)

  1. to suffice, to be sufficient / enough
    Икъущт ахъщэ сиӏэр
    Jiqʷuśt aχśɛ siʼɛr
    The money I have will be enough
    Икъугъ непэ шъузэрэчъагъэр
    Jiqʷuğ nepɛ šʷuzɛrɛĉağɛr
    You (pl.) ran today enough.
    Икъурэп цӏыфэу зэрэтикъурэр джэгум тихьэн фэшӏыкӏэ
    Jiqʷurɛp cʼəfɛwu zɛrɛtiqʷurɛr džɛgʷum tiḥɛn fɛšʼəkʼɛ
    We are not enough people to enter the game.
    Мыӏэрысэу къэпхьыгъэр Икъущт цӏыфыхэм яфэшӏыкӏэ
    Məʼɛrəsɛwu qɛpḥəğɛr Jiqʷuśt cʼəfəxɛm jafɛšʼəkʼɛ
    The apples you brought will be enough for the people.
    Ахъщэу уӏыгъэр екъу
    Aχśɛwu wuʼəğɛr jeqʷu
    The amount of money you have is enough.
    Ахъщэу сыӏыгъэр Икъущт мащинэ кӏэ фэшӏыкӏэ
    Aχśɛwu səʼəğɛr Jiqʷuśt maśinɛ kʼɛ fɛšʼəkʼɛ
    The money I have will be enough for a new car.
    Псэу къуаом къибгъэхъуагъэр екъу
    Psɛwu qʷawom qibğɛχʷağɛr jeqʷu
    The water you poured into the bucket is enough.
    Цӏыфэу къэпщагъэр икъущтэп
    Cʼəfɛwu qɛpśağɛr jiqʷuśtɛp
    The amount of people you brought will not be enough.
    Ахъщэу къысэптыгъэр икъугъэп мащинэ кӏэм фэшӏыкӏэ
    Aχśɛwu qəsɛptəğɛr jiqʷuğɛp maśinɛ kʼɛm fɛšʼəkʼɛ
    The amount of money you gave me was not enough for the new car.
    Ады, шхынэу къэтхьыгъэр икъущта мы пщэрымэ яфэшӏыкӏэ
    Adə, šxənɛwu qɛtḥəğɛr jiqʷuśta mə pśɛrəmɛ jafɛšʼəkʼɛ
    Of course, will the amount of food we brought be enough for these fat ones.
    Икъунэ экзамыным уфеджагъэп, ащ фэшӏыкӏэ икъун къипхыгъэп
    Jiqʷunɛ ɛkzamənəm wufedžağɛp, aś fɛšʼəkʼɛ jiqʷun qipxəğɛp
    Of course, will the amount of food we brought be enough for these fat ones.
    Cэ зы пцэжъые къэсфекъу
    Cɛ zə pcɛẑəje qɛsfeqʷu
    One fish is enough for me.
  2. to be of that amount
    Тэ плӏэу текъу, шъо тӏоу шъуекъу
    Tɛ plˢʼɛwu teqʷu, šʷo tʷʼowu šʷujeqʷu
    We are four, you (pl.) are two.
    Тиунэ къэкӏощтыхэр тфэу екъух
    Tiwunɛ qɛkʷʼośtəxɛr tfɛwu jeqʷux
    The ones that will come to my house are five.
    Цӏыфэхэу экзамэным ихьэщтыхэр пшӏэу екъух
    Cʼəfɛxɛwu ɛkzamɛnəm jiḥɛśtəxɛr pšʼɛwu jeqʷux
    The people that will enter the exam are ten.
    Цӏыфэхэу экзамэным имыхьэщтыхэр щэу екъущтых
    Cʼəfɛxɛwu ɛkzamɛnəm jiməḥɛśtəxɛr śɛwu jeqʷuśtəx
    The people that will not enter the exam will be three.
    Умыгуаӏ, тэ мащинэмкӏэ тфэу тикъоу тисыщтэп, плӏы ныӏэп зэрэтикъущтыр
    Wuməgʷaʼ, tɛ maśinɛmkʼɛ tfɛwu tiqʷowu tisəśtɛp, plˢʼə nəʼɛp zɛrɛtiqʷuśtər
    Don't worry, we won't be sitting as five people in the car, we will be only four people.
    Тиунэ къэкӏощтыхэр тфэу екъух
    Tiwunɛ qɛkʷʼośtəxɛr tfɛwu jeqʷux
    The ones that will come to my house are five.

See also
