
Russian edit

Etymology edit

со- (so-) +‎ храни́ть (xranítʹ)

Pronunciation edit

  • IPA(key): [səxrɐˈnʲitʲ]
  • (file)

Verb edit

сохрани́ть (soxranítʹpf (imperfective сохраня́ть)

  1. (computing) to save (to write a file to a disk)
    Synonym: записа́ть (zapisátʹ)
  2. to preserve, to conserve
  3. to retain
    Мединский сохранил пост министра культуры в новом правительстве.
    Medinskij soxranil post ministra kulʹtury v novom pravitelʹstve.
    Medinsky retained the post of minister of culture in the new government.

Conjugation edit

Derived terms edit