Ottoman Turkish

Rhamnus lycioides subsp. graeca



An Iranian borrowing. Compare Arabic جَلْهَم (jalham) of like meaning. The same word as جهره (cehre, yarn-reel), from Persian چهره (čahra, čehra, wheel; yarn-reel), modernly known as چرخه (‍čarxa, wheel; spinning wheel), even in Swahili cherehani (sewing machine).



جهری (cehri)

  1. any Rhamnus species or the genus or fruits thereof or particularly yellowberries for dye
    • 1914, Harun Reşit Kocacan, Muhtasar ilm-i kımya: Darülmuallimin ve Darülfünun ile mekâtib-i iʼdadiye sınıflarına mahsustur, İstanbul: Kitaphane-yi İslâm ve Askerı̂, page 254:
      طبیعی بویالرك اك مهملری كوك بویا ، بقام اغاجی ، چیوید ، زغفران جهرى وقرمزدر .
      tabiʼi boyalarıñ eñ mühimleri kök boya, bakkam ağacı, ‍çivid, zağferan[,] cehri ve kırmızdır.
      The most important natural dyes are madder, bloodwood, indigo, saffron, yellowberry, and kermes.

Derived terms



  • Turkish: cehri, cehre, both meaning Rhamnus genus and species

Further reading

  • “Persian berries”, in CAMEO: Conservation & Art Materials Encyclopedia Online[1], 2013
  • “Buckthorn berries”, in CAMEO: Conservation & Art Materials Encyclopedia Online[2], 2013
  • Alkayış, Fatih (2007) “cehri”, in Türkiye Türkçesinde bitki adları [Plant Names in Turkish of Turkey] (in Turkish), doctoral thesis, Kayseri: T.C. Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, page 243
  • Kélékian, Diran (1911) “جهری”, in Dictionnaire turc-français[3], Constantinople: Mihran, page 452