Persian edit

Pronunciation edit


Classical reading? masraf šuḏan
Dari reading? masraf šudan
Iranian reading? masraf šodan
Tajik reading? masraf šudan

Verb edit

مصرف شدن (masraf šodan)

  1. to be consumed; to be spent
    • early 1300s, Nizārī Quhistānī, “Ghazal 1408”, in دیوان نزاری[1]:
      حالی در این معامله مصرف نمی‌شود
      هر چند پر جواهر دارم خزینه‌ای
      halē dar īn mu'āmala masraf na-mē-šawad
      har čand pur-i jawāhir dāram xazīna'i
      As of now, there is no spending in this transaction,
      Though I have a storehouse full of jewels.
      (Classical romanization)

Conjugation edit