Text style |
Emoji style
⃣︎ |
Text style is forced with ⟨︎⟩ and emoji style with ⟨️⟩.
- Combines with a letter, digit or symbol to replicate keys on a keyboard or buttons on a push-button phone.
This character may combine with any other in plain text, for example A⃣ for the 'A' key, but in twelve cases it may take on an optional emoji form: Emoji variants of #, * and the ten digits are made by appending U+FE0F (variation selector 16). When this 'keycap' symbol follows, it will also take an emoji form.
For instance, #⃣ (pound sign + key cap) produces #⃣ , while #️⃣ (the same + variation selector 16) produces #️⃣. Variation selector 15 (U+FE0E) will override the emoji format in fonts that produce it automatically: thus #︎⃣ should produce #︎⃣ in all operating systems. The set of characters that can be used this way are the following:
Emoji variation sequences of digits, # and *
U+ |
0023 |
002A |
0030 |
0031 |
0032 |
0033 |
0034 |
0035 |
0036 |
0037 |
0038 |
unmodified digit |
# |
* |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
digit+VS15+keycap |
#︎⃣ |
*︎⃣ |
0︎⃣ |
1︎⃣ |
2︎⃣ |
3︎⃣ |
4︎⃣ |
5︎⃣ |
6︎⃣ |
7︎⃣ |
8︎⃣ |
digit+VS16+keycap |
#️⃣ |
*️⃣ |
0️⃣ |
1️⃣ |
2️⃣ |
3️⃣ |
4️⃣ |
5️⃣ |
6️⃣ |
7️⃣ |
8️⃣ |