
 パース on Japanese Wikipedia



Etymology 1




パース (pāsu

  1. Clipping of パースペクティブ (pāsupekutibu, perspective).
    • 2004 July 20, “第1章 パースって何? [Chapter 1: What’s Perspective?]”, in Machiko Mitsuji, transl., パース! マンガでわかる遠近法 [Perspective!: Make Sense of the Perspective Method through Comics] (fiction; paperback), Tokyo: Maar-sha, translation of Perspective! For Comic Book Artists by David Chelsea, →ISBN, page 14:
      パース? なんだそりゃ?
      Magu, kimi, pāsu no benkyō wa?
      Pāsu? Nan da sorya?
      Poketto jiten ni yoru to, pāsu to wa: [Tōshizu(ga)hō, enkinhō, pāsupekutibu] Kaiga nado de, taishō o me de mita no to onaji yō ni heimen ya kyokumen ni saigen suru gihō. Taishō no mita me no kyorikan o hyōgen suru kōka. Arui wa, shizen no jōkei de aru yō na sakkaku o okosaseru e.
      Mugg, have you learned perspective?
      Perspective? What’s that?
      According to my pocket dictionary: [Perspective] The art of depicting objects the way they appear on flat and curved surfaces, in painting for instance. The effect that conveys a sense of distance based on how objects appear. Also, a picture that gives the illusion of a scene from nature.
    • 2012 December 20, “第1章 追加消失点 [Chapter 1: Extra Vanishing Points]”, in Yū Ōkubo, transl., パース!2 マンガでわかるもっとディープな遠近法 [Perspective! 2: Dive Deeper into the Perspective Method through Comics] (fiction; paperback), Tokyo: Maar-sha, translation of Extreme Perspective! For Artists by David Chelsea, →ISBN, page 11:
      そうとも! オマエならまだまだ色々大事なことを知っているはずだからな…
      Sorera pāsu no sara naru men ni tsuite, hitotsu kaisetsu shite kure to?
      Sō to mo! Omae nara madamada iroiro daiji na koto o shitte iru hazu da kara na…
      Pāsu ijō ni daiji na mono nado nai…
      Tte koto wa hon no zokuhen da na! Doko kara hajimeru, Deviddo?
      You wish me to explain these further aspects of perspective?
      Precisely! Although I’m certain you’ve still got many more important things on your mind…
      There is nothing more important than perspective…
      I smell a sequel! Where do we start, David?

Etymology 2


From English purse.



パース (pāsu

  1. a purse (small bag for carrying money)

Etymology 3


From English Perth.

Proper noun


パース (Pāsu

  1. Perth (a city in Scotland)
  2. Perth (a city in Western Australia)
  3. Perth (a town in Canada)
  4. Perth (a town in Tasmania)
  5. Perth (a town in New York)
  6. Perth (a city in North Dakota)
  7. Perth (a river in New Zealand)