Japanese edit

Kanji in this term
Hyōgaiji Hyōgaiji
kun’yomi jukujikun
 兎蝙蝠 on Japanese Wikipedia

Etymology edit

Compound of (うさぎ) (usagi, rabbit, hare) + 蝙蝠(こうもり) (kōmori, bat)

Noun edit

(うさぎ)蝙蝠(こうもり) or 兎蝙蝠(ウサギコウモリ) (usagikōmori

  1. brown long-eared bat, common long-eared bat, Plecotus auritus

Usage notes edit

As with many terms that name organisms, this term is often spelled in katakana, especially in biological contexts (where katakana is customary).