

-აშე (-aşe) (Latin spelling -aşe)

  1. produces the tool name by appending it to the verb stem
    გამა-ღმალ- (gama-ğmal-, to be removed from) + ‎-აშე (-aşe) → ‎მანდრეგამაღმალაშე (mandregamağmalaşe, rake used for pulling manure in barns)
    წილ- (ǯil-, to pick) + ‎-აშე (-aşe) → ‎წილაშე (oǯilaşe, a tool with a hook on the end of a long stick used to pluck fruit from a high branch, with a bag made under it)
    ბაზგ- (bazg-, to support) + ‎-აშე (-aşe) → ‎ბაზგაშე (obazgaşe, pole)
    ქოს- (kos-, to sweep) + ‎-აშე (-aşe) → ‎ფავრიქოსაშე (pavriokosaşe, leaf picker rake)

Usage notes

  • If the verb has the preverb, the preverb is preserved in the derived noun; otherwise, ო- (o-, preverb absence marker) is used.

Derived terms
