



Ambien (plural Ambiens)

  1. Trade name of zolpidem, a medication most widely known as a treatment for insomnia.
    • 2009, “Empire State of Mind”, in The Blueprint 3, performed by Jay-Z:
      The city never sleeps / Better slip you an Ambien
    • 2010, Patricia Morrisroe, Wide Awake: A Memoir of Insomnia, page 119:
      But Eckleburg is powerless against her, so I take an Ambien, and then, at 2 AM, the New York City Department of Transportation decides it's the perfect time to rip up the street.
    • 2011, Jonathan Handel, Hollywood on Strike!: An Industry at War in the Internet Age, page 389:
      Silicon Valley is not going to suddenly take an Ambien and stop innovating.
    • 2013 June 4, Dwight Garner, “A Literary Mind, Under the Spell of Drugs and a MacBook”, in The New York Times[1], →ISSN:
      They ingest Ambien, Seroquel, LSD, Adderall, Oxycodone, cocaine, Flexeril, Percocet, psilocybin mushrooms and codeine.

Derived terms


