




ke (rafsi kem)

  1. start grouping in a tanru (compound word); the group is closed by ke'e
    le pelxu je ke barda finpe ke'e prenu
    “the yellow and large-fish-type of person”, i.e. “the person who is yellow and has got some property of large fishes”
    le sutra ke bunre lorxu cu plipe ga'u le lazni gerku
    The quick brown fox jumps above the lazy dog.

Usage notes

  • Compare the first example above to this one:
le pelxu je barda finpe prenu
“the person who has some property of fishes which are large and yellow”
  • Compare the second example to this one:
"le sutra bunre lorxu cu plipe ga'u le lazni gerku"
"the swift-kind-of-brown fox jumps above the lazy dog.
  • The ke'e is an elidable terminator, which is to say that the ke'e may be elided from the sentence if the parse structure remains the same.