Appendix talk:Finnish pronunciation

Role of Standard Spoken Finnish (yleispuhekieli)


The page begins by noting that yleispuhekieli is used, for example, in education. Kielitoimiston sanakirja gives two definitions for yleispuhekieli:

1. epämuodollinen puhutun kielen muoto, jossa ei ole leimallisia alueellisia tm. erityispiirteitä

2. puhuttu yleiskieli

If the second definition is used, then the claim is certainly not true. Finnish educators speak puhekieli, not yleiskieli.

If the first definition is used, then I find the claim still very much objectionable. Some teachers may try to adjust their language to be less dialectal when teaching but it is incredibly difficult for a native speaker of Finnish to not have dialectal features in their speech. Of course whether someone's speech is considered "dialectal" or not varies a lot from person to person, and also who you ask.

I suggest that the article should mention that the quality of the sounds themselves does not vary a lot from region to region (unlike in English for example) even though many dialectal features exist in Finnish. The article should not claim that standard spoken Finnish is used in education. SchwaWolf (talk) 12:13, 4 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

You're right that "in education" is probably too vague of a descriptor here. I'll see if it can be made more precise. — SURJECTION / T / C / L / 13:27, 4 December 2023 (UTC)Reply
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