Appendix talk:Swedish pronouns

Latest comment: 17 years ago by Dodde

Ok, what I still miss here are

These are still pronouns, right? \Mike 11:42, 26 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

Yes they are, though I am a bit uncertain what to do with all the xxx som helst, but I suppose we do need entries for them all.--sanna 13:55, 26 April 2006 (UTC)Reply
Yes, I think we do. They are not that many... --Patrik Stridvall 21:42, 26 April 2006 (UTC)Reply
Yes, I have added them and removed the adverbs någonstans och ingenstans. --Patrik Stridvall 21:42, 26 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

What should do with "någoting" and "ingeting" which are theoretical neuter forms of någonting and ingenting that seems to be used by some people? SAOL doesn't recognize them though and I don't personally use them since they are rather pointless... Possibly I have used them by mistake when talking to fast or when drunk. They might also be dialectal. Not sure... --Patrik Stridvall 21:42, 26 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

I must admit that I have never ever heard these forms. I for sure will not rush to add them. *smile*--sanna 22:15, 27 April 2006 (UTC)Reply
If you Google for them you see that quite a few people seem to believe that they exist. The question is why some people spell them that way. Is it ignorance, dialectal neuter form, or dialectal prounciation? --Patrik Stridvall 11:29, 28 April 2006 (UTC)Reply
I pronounce någonting and ingenting that way when I am not trying to pronounce it clearly, I would never spell it out that way though since I don't see it as an excepted form of spelling. I think people who use the spelling are not aware that the words are normally spellt någonting and ingenting (or något/nåt and inget for short). Concordance of swedish newspapers [1] give the search result 0 for ingeting/någoting, while the hits are thousands for ingenting/någonting. ~ Dodde 08:59, 24 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

I question "sådane" as a masculine form of "sådan" - I've never heard it, so i googled but only found it in quite archaic use, and then only as a plural form. E.g. "Fördenskull böra ock sådane personer, hvilkom denna höga angelägenhet till en rätt försorg och omvårdnad anförtros, vara riksens ständer ansvarige, om igenom deras vårdslöshet och försummelse något skulle eftersättias, som ock riksens ständer ega makt, när nödigt pröfvas, med dem ombyte och förändring göra" (1719 års regeringsform) \Mike 14:40, 4 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

I could ask the same about "dylike", btw. Seems to be an old plural only. \Mike 14:40, 4 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Blotta is stated to be a focusing pronoun, can someone verify this? ~ Dodde 05:50, 22 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

What about "en" as a pronoun? E.g. "En kan ju tycka att det borde vara ett pronomen". Or in the expression "en annan", which seems to be some kind of replacement for "jag" in some cases... "Men en annan har ju ingen aning om vad det är för slags pronomen..." \Mike 17:13, 6 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

There is no doubt en, ena, ens etc. are pronouns, specifically en corresponds to the non-existing object form of man, as ens does for genitive/possessive. "Blommor gör en glad! Ett leende gör ens dag!". In some dialects en is also used as a subject (among them Småländska) as in the example you gave "En kan ju..." which would mean the same as "Man kan ju...". En annan is also used in the same dialects as a pronoun, like you say, instead of jag. I am slightly unsure of the use of en/ena in the examples "Vad var det för en/ena" which suggests "vad ... för en/ena" should be a replacement for vilka, since "Vad var det för någon/några" doesn't feel to be good language. On the other hand "De var ena riktiga typer!" would work well to be replaced by "De var några riktiga typer!". Either way, all of vem/vilken/vilka/någon/några are pronouns, so even in this case en and ena are pronouns. But with ens as a translation of English even#Adverb definition 2 it's ofcourse an adverb, and in the fixed expression med ens it's functioning as a noun (med omedelbarhet, med plötslighet). At last we have have examples like "en och annan, den ene tycker si, den andre tycker så (och den tredje tycker ingenting), det ena och det andra, det ena med det femte (sjätte ... femtielfte), å ena sidan, å andra sidan" etc. and here it's getting trickier - where to draw the line? :) ~ Dodde 01:32, 16 April 2007 (UTC)Reply
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