Category:Neighbourhoods in the United Kingdom

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This category concerns the topic: names of neighbourhoods, districts and other subportions of cities in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

This category contains no dictionary entries, only other categories. The subcategories are of two sorts:

  • Subcategories named like "aa:Neighbourhoods in the United Kingdom" (with a prefixed language code) are categories of terms in specific languages. You may be interested especially in Category:en:Neighbourhoods in the United Kingdom, for English terms.
  • Subcategories of this one named without the prefixed language code are further categories just like this one, but devoted to finer topics.

NOTE: This is a name category. It should contain names of specific neighbourhoods in the United Kingdom, not merely terms related to neighbourhoods in the United Kingdom, and should also not contain general terms for types of neighbourhoods in the United Kingdom.