



From chimp +‎ -y, comparing Bush's appearance or facial expressions to a chimpanzee's.



Proper noun



  1. (US politics, derogatory) George W. Bush (born 1946), the 43rd president of the United States (2001–2009).
    • 2003 June 17, Hoss Cartright, “Chimpy and Veterans”, in az.politics[1] (Usenet):
      I wonder how all those testosterone-laden combat virgins feel now, after supporting a scumbag like Chimpy and then watching him cut funding for vets....
    • 2004 May 23, Doctoroe, “Re: How many Bushies does it take to change a lightbulb?”, in talk.politics.misc[2] (Usenet):
      The day that George W. Bush first slimed his way into the Oval Office must have been a happy one indeed for the radical Iranian handlers behind Chalabi's INC operation. They knew Chimpy was exactly the sort of sucker they needed: Intellctually lazy and stupendously vain.
    • 2010 January 12, Palin On Beaver News, “Nobody Voted For it. Nobody Wants it. He campaigned AGAINST it.”, in talk.politics.misc[3] (Usenet):
      Bush would've told Murkins they were traitors for not wanting his bailouts, CEO Bonuses, Wars, Cheney and Jebya's conflicts of interests and exposing spies who refused to lie for Chimpy.

Derived terms
