Chinese citations of 周周
- 1997 February 23, F 仔, “男人標準周長<興奮中>”, in[1] (Usenet):
- 你點樣度條周周o既長度o架?
1. 由袋袋同周周開始 ;
2. 周周同小腹開始呢?- (please add an English translation of this quotation)
- 1998 May 31, 小白, “to :____”, in hk.rec.comics[2] (Usenet):
- 唔怪得啦...icic...冇周周既人性慾真係咁強?
- (please add an English translation of this quotation)
- 1999 May 23, He He, “正.......正.........正...........”, in[3] (Usenet):
- 有次去公廁, 走去企處解決, 剛剛拿條周周出來時, 身邊突然一個中年男人
- (please add an English translation of this quotation)
- c. 2022, 叉燒仔, “觀戰”, in 荒島日記[4]:
- 我即刻望向少婦個頭,少婦並無望我,不過佢個樣有D驚訝,我望一望文健,文健既周周大細只不過係粗過芝士腸少少。
- (please add an English translation of this quotation)