English citations of Holan

  • 1956 October, Ai-ching Tan, “Settlers 'Go West'”, in China Reconstructs[1], volume V, number 10, Peking: China Welfare Institute, →OCLC, page 15:
    Yin Hung-tu, (left) deputy head of Holan county, Kansu province, comes to visit Ching Yu-kun’s (right) new home. The latter has just come from Peking.
  • 1971, Summary of World Broadcasts: The Far East. Weekly supplement 3[2], British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring Service, →OCLC, page 17:
    The important experience accumulated by the Party organizations of (Weishui) production brigade in Kuyuan County, (Hsinchu) brigade in Holan County , and (Kulu) brigade in Haiyuan County in earnestly grasping revolution in education, establishing political evening schools and rural schools, raising the consciousness of revolution in education among commune members and the peasant masses, deeping the mass movement of learning from Tachai and in increasing grain production, eloquently proves that instead of hindering production, grasping education can indeed stimulate production.
  • 1972, Daily Report: People's Republic of China[3], numbers 1-21, Foreign Broadcast Information Service, →ISSN, →OCLC, page C-16:
    Before opening two large drainage ditches, Yinchuan municipality and Holan County repeatedly mobilized the masses to discuss questions concerning the planning, location, and benefits of the projects, and concentrated the correct ideas.