1923, A. Souleyre, Les oscillations océaniques et les oscillations climatiques dans le passé et dans le présent: Le rythme de contraction du soleil (in French), page 204:
Les Homines Neanderthalenses. 222. — Au lieu de descendre de l’époque du würmien jusqu’à celle de la première civilisation de l’Egypte, remontons du würmien au premier étage du chelléen.
1956, Paul Siwek, Psychologia metaphysica: institutiones philosophiae aristotelico-scholasticae (in Latin), page 131:
Quae cum ita sint, Sinanthropus videtur fuisse stirps humana paulo inferior quam Homo Neanderthalensis.[…]Homines Neanderthalenses erant dolichocephales vel mesocephales.
2000: Dan Monroe, Foreign Language Teaching Forum: TPRS question, Thursday the 17th day of August at 10:49am (message 893)
Try it! You may also want to check out languagimpact.com for articles dealing with alternative methods of teaching in the target language. However, you need to consider your moves very carefully if Homines neanderthalenses are filling any important rooms in your building. Sadly, Dan.
2010, Rocznik sa̜decki (in Polish), page 489:
Podróż przez ery i epoki Bartłomiej Urbański – autor tekstu do katalogu zaczyna… 120 tys. (!) lat temu stawiając tezę, że skoro na terenach Polski południowo-wschodniej pojawili się w tym czasie pierwsi Homines neanderthalenses, których ślady odkryto w okolicach Krakowa, to nie jest wykluczone, iż zapuścili się również na tereny dzisiejszej Sądecczyzny i tylko kwestią czasu i szczęścia jest odnalezienie także u nas dowodów ruchliwości neandertalczyków.
A journey through eras and epochs, Bartłomiej Urbański – the author of the text for the catalogue begins… 120 thousand (!) years ago positing that since the first Homines neanderthalenses appear in that time in lands of south-eastern Poland, whose traces were discovered near Kraków, it's not out of the question that they ventured also to the modern-day lands of Sądecczyzna and that re-finding evidence of Neanderthal's mobility here is only a matter of time and luck.
2019, Léxico de Ortopensatas: 2a Edição Revisada e Aumentada, volume I (in Portuguese), Editares, →ISBN, page 103:
Perante os Homines neanderthalenses, nós, intermissivistas, somos velhos conhecidos, pois não fomos apresentados somente agora, neste Século XXI ou em 2 ou 3 séculos passados.