
English citations of Matrixism

Proper noun: a religion based on the Matrix series

  • 2005, Adam Possamaï, Religion and popular culture: a hyper-real testament, illustrated edition, Peter Lang, →ISBN, page 161:
    At the time of proofreading the manuscript, I received an e-mail from the acting secretary of Matrixism letting me know of this newly emergent religion. It is based on the motion picture trilogy The Matrix and is claimed to have a history that goes back nearly one hundred years.
  • 2005, Adam Possamai, In search of New Age spiritualities, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., →ISBN, page 120:
    [...] I write about the interrelation between religion and popular culture. Different cases are explored. [...] The Star Wars movies have led to the creation of an Internet Spirituality; Jediism. The same applied to the Matrix trilogy and Matrixism.
  • 2006, Gary D. Bouma, Australian soul: religion and spirituality in the twenty-first century, Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, page 63:
    A website proudly proclaims that Matrixism is a religion [...]
  • 2008, Basia Spalek, Religion, spirituality and the social sciences: challenging marginalisation, The Policy Press, →ISBN, page 31:
    The 'spiritual' revolution outside of an organized religion has been strong in Australia. Cases in point are [...] hyper-real religions (that is, religions such as Jediism and Matrixism created from popular culture by individuals)[...]
  • 2009, Adam Possamai, Sociology of Religion for Generations X and Y[1], Equinox Publishing (Indonesia), →ISBN:
    It also addresses new religious phenomena such as the mixing of religion and popular culture on the Internet as found in new groups such as Jediism and Matrixism.
  • 2010, Carole M. Cusack, Invented Religions: Imagination, Fiction and Faith, Surrey, Burlington: Ashgate, →ISBN, →OL, page 3:
    Jediism and Matrixism embrace the notion that the values depicted in cinematic science fiction are more ‘real’ and can provide a more meaningful basis for life than existing ‘real life’ religions, and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster protests against the decision of the Kansas State Board of Education to allow the teaching of Intelligent Design (repackaged creationism) as an alternative to Darwinian evolutionary theory in high schools.