Minecraft has demonstrated some magnificent feats of community creation, but now it's also offering a lesson in the volatile side of crowd-sourcing. Changing the language to Afrikaans, spoken in South Africa and Namibia, yesterday caused the title screen to display the phrase "You are a NIGGER." As Minecraft Forums user EgXPlayer commented, "Thats racist."
2013, South Park, Informative Murder Porn:
Stan. Stan! How do you tame a horse in Minecraft?
What is Minecraft and how do you tame a horse in it?
2015, Mark Cheverton, The Jungle Temple Oracle: The Mystery of Herobrine
It's amazing what people have created with Minecraft, and these many, many servers are evidence of the creative potential Minecraft offers those with imaginative minds.
Here you can download Minecraft maps for all Sweden's municipalities. You can also download high-resolution Minecraft maps of Gotland , Gävle, Kiruna and Östergötland.
2017, The Loud House, ARGGH! You for Real?
What was that? I want to play Minecraft!
2021, Guinness World Records 2021:
Maxwell stepped forward at the Minecraft conference Minecon in 2015… (page 72)
Minecraft: Java Edition (PC). (page 180)
According to figures released by Microsoft in May 2019, sandbox game Minecraft (Mojang/Microsoft) has sold 176 million copies since its debut in 2011. In addition to these sales, Minecraft is distributed as a free-to-play game in China, with an added an estimated 200 million downloads. As of September 2019, Minecraft had over 112 million monthly-active users. (page 186)
Spring 2020 saw some students using Minecraft to recreate their closed schools, even putting on virtual graduations from self-isolation. (page 186)
Largest pixel art created in Minecraft: (page 186)
"Mysticlloyd", AKA Lloyd Hancock (AUS), crafted a dramatic image of Fairy Tail's mage Natsu Dragneel in Minecraft using 1,988,532 blocks. (page 186)
Minecraft is a mainstay in children's leisure time - but now it could even help them to find a career.
CareersCraft, a new Minecraft world launched by Careers Wales, aims to help children aged between eight and 13 explore and develop their career skills and knowledge.
Die Erde maßstabsgetreu nachbauen: Das haben sich Minecraft-Spieler:innen im Rahmen von „Build the Earth“ vorgenommen. Auch in Deutschland ist das Interesse am Projekt groß.
Il s’agit de l’adaptation en réalité augmentée de Minecraft.
Les joueurs belges n’auront pas dû attendre très longtemps avant de pouvoir profiter du nouveau mobile de Minecraft. En effet, quelques jours seulement après son lancement aux États-Unis, Minecraft Earth débarque en accès anticipé chez nous, ainsi que chez nos voisins français et hollandais.
Nie dajcie się zwieść pozorom. Nie dajcie sobie udowodnić, że to niewarta uwagi gra dla dzieci. „Minecraft” nie pasuje do żadnej definicji, nie ma scenariusza, dialogów, instrukcji. To, co zrobili twórcy, to danie graczom klocków i powiedzenie: bawcie się. A zabawa jest przednia. Zagrajcie koniecznie, jeśli będziecie mieli okazję, umówcie się ze znajomymi na Skype, otwórzcie piwo, zbudujcie razem coś fajnego, pokonajcie parę potworów. Gwarantuję, że nie będziecie żałować.
В то время я был студентом и часто играл в Minecraft для себя — онлайн с друзьями. А потом я принял предложение пойти учителем на замену, и подумал — почему бы мне не использовать эту игру на уроке?
Här kan du hämta Minecraft-kartor för alla Sveriges kommuner. Du kan även hämta högupplösta Minecraft-kartor över Gotland, Gävle, Kiruna och Östergötland.
Oyunda küplerle bir dünya inşa ediyorsunuz. Dağları ve ağaçlarıyla Danimarka’yı bile inşa eden var. (şuradaki haberimizde Minecraft’ta Viyana’yı yapan kullanıcılardan da bahsetmiştik).
Twitter’daki paylaşımlar için nasıl Twitter’ı yargılamayazsanız, kişilerin kurduğu şiddet içerikli bölümler için de Minecraft’ı yargılayamazsınız” dedi.
Minecraft’ın 100 milyondan fazla aktif kullanıcısı var ve en çok oynanan bilgisayar oyunları arasında yer alıyor. Fakat oyunla ilgili böyle düşüncelerin olması, aklımıza GTA oyunlarını getirdi. Tahmin ediyoruz ki bakanımız GTA 5’i oynamamış. Eğer Minecraft’ı sakıncalı görüyorsa GTA 5’ten sonra hayata küsebilir.