
English citations of Penguin

  • (Can we date this quote?), Punch, page 396
    all the vast auditorium was devoutly still, save for the replicated tracings of a thousand loyal forefingers gliding across their Penguin scores.
  • 1998, Reynolds Price, Learning a Trade, A Craftsman's Notebooks, 1955-1997, Duke University Press, →ISBN, page 471
    First, I read the French in a Penguin selection by Francis Scarfe, comparing it with the old Roy Campbell translation that I bought in 1953 (a college sophomore).
  • 1999, Anthony Rudolf, The Arithmetic of Memory, A Childhood Kingdom Revisited, Bellew, page 32
    I remember reading countless schoolbooks and adventure stories by authors like Percy Westerman and G. A. Henty and John Buchan in Penguins with orange covers.
  • 2000, Brendan Behan, Borstal Boy, David R. Godine Publisher, →ISBN, page 71
    I had read a bit about him in a “Penguin” by St. John Irvine, a North of Ireland man who was manager of the Abbey Theatre when my uncle was a property man there.
  • 2007, Walter Keady, the dowry, a novel of Ireland, Macmillan, →ISBN, page 37
Kieran was sitting on a milking stool reading a Penguin in the dim light of a storm lantern.